Sunday, December 25, 2011

Late Christmas SM... and other Christmas stuff..

I'm STILL editing the stupid thing. It is by far the longest SM I have EVER done! I think it's my best, too so hopefully it's worth the wait!
Also- American Girl had mentioned releasing more info about the GOTY dolls after Christmas which it is now. Yes- I said DOLLS. Plural. Her wheelchair-bound friend is coming to life as well! I'm excited. I'm pretty sure I'm at least getting one of them. Oh the anticipation...
As for AG christmas presents, nothing new except the two outfits you saw me accidentally open for Cécile AND a cute AG doll tee boutique set! It has a little stage and mirror and everything. There will be a quick video showing that. Yes- that is the only AG stuff I got for Christmas. Normally I don't get anything AG so it was nice. :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Mine was okay- we didn't get any snow... I don't remember that EVER happening before. :C


  1. Were did you get the AG information???

  2. @unnormalgirl I read a newspaper article on it! Lol, I'm such a nerd.

  3. Haha, Your not alone! I watch the news!:P But seriously :|

